Isabel Braadbaart is completing her
probationary year as a newly qualified primary teacher in Aberdeenshire,
Scotland. She has a B.A. in Social Sciences from University College Utrecht, an
M.Ed. in Children’s Literature and Literacies from the University of Glasgow,
and a Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary) from the University
of Edinburgh.
My own exploration of critical
literacy occurs at the intersection of my personal values, my academic
interests and research, and my professional goals as a teacher. These are
inextricable from each other, and rightly so. Research is nothing without an
application, professionalism ceases to exist without evidence and systemic
thought, and neither is meaningful without the personal element. This post
provides an overview and analysis of my M.Ed. dissertation and the practitioner
enquiry I conducted as a student teacher, both relating to critical literacy. Readers
are invited to reflect on the parallels between my journey and theirs, and to consider the roles of researchers,
policymakers, and the teachers in introducing, positioning and enacting
critical literacy.
literacy is acknowledged as a nebulous yet vital aspect of the literacy
skillset (Stone, 2017). There is a plethora of approaches and definitions, ranging
from the acknowledgement of the real work texts do (Vasquez, 2010: 110) to
exploring how texts do this work (Freire & Macedo, 1987) to positioning
texts of social constructs (Sandretto & Klenner, 2011) to how students can
learn to decode, encode, analyze and create texts (Freebody & Luke, 1990).
The working definition of my dissertation positioned critical literacy as the
use of literacy skills to analyze, critique and transform social norms, and
highlighted its position within critical pedagogy. Critical literacy is also
frequently defined by the topics with which it deals: primarily, those related
to social justice issues (Vasquez, 2010). This plurality is difficult: it
created challenges in focusing my work as a teacher and explaining my work to
others. While there is value in multiple definitions, May (2015: 5) notes that
there are potentially too many possible interpretations for educators to
develop a concrete conceptualization of critical literacy. As a novice teacher,
I craved a definition which positioned critical literacy as a tool and a lens,
while also acknowledging how I think about and incorporate critical literacy
into my own practice. I currently define critical literacy as how we use literacy as a tool for
understanding and improving the world.
“We talk about it in a different way”:
A narrative inquiry into two Scottish teachers’ negotiations of critical
enquiry provided the framework for the research, and I focused on valuing
participants’ voices and their ability to direct the conversation and narrative.
The workshops were recorded and coded by myself, with corroboration and
relevant discussion with participants. While the interpretive nature of
narrative inquiry implies that an analysis is in no way conclusive or
exhaustive, the strongest narratives which developed were the intertwining
elements of structures, personal beliefs and values, and power. Structural
narratives, involving the effects of an environment on teachers and vice-versa
(Giddens, 1984; Bourdieu, 1972), primarily focused on the positive and negative
aspects of working with the CfE, though issues such as professional
development, preparation time, and class size were mentioned. We also discussed
the role of personal beliefs and values in how a teacher approaches critical
literacy. Indeed, a core dilemma in investigating teacher use of critical
literacy is that it requires not just the adaptation of practices, but also a
willingness to participate in critical reflection. The participants dubbed this
a ‘mindset’. Lastly, the issue of power was a strong undercurrent, demonstrated
in the almost constant negotiation required between the structural and the
personal when considering any teaching approach, and not just critical
dissertation provided tentative ideas about the challenges in inviting teachers
to participate in critical literacy, outlining the importance of considering
how teachers adopt new approaches and incorporate them into their own beliefs
and teaching practices, and the potential of structural elements to influence
this process. Not only are these ideas which could be followed up on with
further research, these were aspects which I knew would play a role in my own
initial teacher education the following year and expected to come across when I
began my practitioner enquiry.
literacy as inclusive pedagogy: Meaningful literacy for all students
In the final five-week
placement of teacher training, we conducted a practitioner enquiry. This was an
opportunity to extend both my practical and theoretical knowledge of critical
literacy, while engaging in a professional practice expected of Scottish
teachers. A practitioner enquiry is “an investigation with a rationale and
approach that can be explained or defended” (Menter et al., 2011) focusing on
teachers and their practice. It is qualitative, emic, and personal research.
My enquiry
focused on exploring how critical literacy functions as an inclusive pedagogy.
The two approaches go well together. Literacy skills are essential for student
attainment, and “finding ways to engage students in reading may be one of the
most effective ways to leverage social change” (OECD, 2002: 3). In addition to
this, work in inclusive education points to the fact that the mere presence of
students in school is not enough: students must also have “opportunities to
participate in meaningful learning” (Florian & Spratt, 2013: 121). The
nature of critical literacy highlights the real-world importance of literacy in
both its approaches and topics, helping to create meaningful literacy
opportunities. I therefore aimed to explore how I could make literacy
meaningful for all students using critical literacy.
I focused on two overlapping
tenets of inclusive pedagogy and critical literacy: valuing student voice and valuing
multiple opinions. These linked to key questions of inclusion which I needed to
reflect on: Whose voices are included and whose are excluded in my classroom?
(Allan, 2003); What messages am I sending about what types of learning and
learners are valued in my classroom? (Florian & Spratt, 2013: 121).
Throughout the placement, I reflected daily on my own teaching as well as the
students’ learning, and these provided the basis for the analysis of how using
critical literacy affected my students and me.
Working with students in the
last year of primary school (P7 in Scotland), critical literacy skills were
primarily explored through an interdisciplinary approach looking at reading and
writing news articles and examining their role in reporting on natural
disasters. There was a focus first on understanding how a news article works as
a text, and then using the text to support opinions. News articles also
naturally functioned as an excellent link to the real-life relevance of texts.
Exploring natural disasters and country preparedness provided opportunities for
the development of visual literacy skills, as well as continuing to develop the
ability to use a text to support a position. These skills were then applied
again to newspapers, when examining the roles of pictures, headlines and
formatting, and who makes the decisions about these elements. We also explored
facts and opinions in news sources, linking this to trustworthiness and
relating it, again to a real life concern: whether fidget spinners should be
allowed in schools. All of these skills culminated in an assignment to write an
article about a natural disaster using an information pack to select witnesses,
expert quotes, and appropriate evidence to support their writing.
Personally, it seemed clear
that the focus on critical literacy skills and attitudes engaged the class, and
particularly enabled less able students to contribute and develop literacy
skills. Using real texts show that you care about making what you teach relevant
to the learners, and examining how texts ‘work’ empowers students through
improving their ability to decode texts. A focus on visual literacy highlights
the inevitability of multiple perspectives, and creates an environment which
values a plurality of ideas and interpretations and removes or diminishes the
barrier of traditional text for less confident readers. By valuing multiple
perspectives, we value students’ voices and ideas, placing the focus and onus
of learning on the students themselves – a key tenant of dialogic teaching
(Sandretto & Klenner, 2011: 63). In the final written assignment, some of
the less able students were using sophisticated reading strategies to plan
their text as well as showing a good understanding of how to produce a news
article. It is noteworthy that critical literacy was not the only approach I
used which would foster inclusive education: I also routinely use formative
assessment strategies, dialogic approaches, and mixed ability grouping as
appropriate. However, using critical literacy as a framework for inclusive
literacy teaching and learning helped me navigate how I might value different
ways of being a learner, highlighting existing practices as well as new ones I
could incorporate.
Reflections and
next steps
I learned much from this enquiry,
and left my placement eager to consider how I might purposefully structure
critical literacy skills in my classroom. It also raised my awareness of what
kind of hurdles and challenges teachers might face when trying to incorporate
critical literacy into their practice and their mindset: hurdles that would
have been difficult for me to imagine when conducting my initial research for
my dissertation. The broad categories of structure, personal beliefs and
values, and power still apply, but I can now clearly imagine the specifics of
these challenges, e.g. the need to take time to establish critical literacy
habits and teach the appropriate metalanguage; the potential struggles with
finding space for critical literacy within a full curriculum as well as school
planning and set literacy schemes; the convoluted web of practice wherein many
critical literacy elements require other aspects of good, inclusive practice.
The importance of critical
literacy is still clear to me, and this enquiry helped me return to my previous
work and define critical literacy more clearly for my own practice. The
challenges it presents are ones that are surmountable, and personally I see
many opportunities to take it forward, even when working with much younger
students as I am currently. Beyond my personal journey, there is also much
which can be done both in research and policy. For instance, there is still
more information needed about how we can successfully encourage and help teachers
to not just implement critical literacy but imbed it in their practice. Based
on my own experiences, I would argue that a focus on skills rather than topics
would help clarify what critical literacy looks like, but this needs to be
investigated further. Awareness of critical literacy and its value both
socially and as an inclusive pedagogy needs to be increased. Part of this
responsibility lies, in this case, with the Scottish government and how the CfE
incorporates critical literacy, but the responsibility also lies with
researchers who should make their work accessible to those who would benefit
from it. Finally, we need teachers who believe in the potential and power of
critical literacy across the curriculum and stages to advocate its use beyond
their own classrooms.
Reference List
Allan, J.
(2003). Productive pedagogies and the challenge of inclusion. British
Journal of Special
Education, 30:4, 175-179.
Bourdieu, P. (1972). Outline of a Theory of Practice. (Vol. 16). Translated from French by R.
Nice. (1977). Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 78–95.
Florian, L. & Spratt, J. (2013). Enacting
inclusion: a framework for interrogating
inclusive practice. European
Journal of Special Needs Education, 28:2, 119-135.
Freebody, P.
& Luke, A. (1990). Literacies programs: Debates and demands in cultural
Australian Journal of TESOL, 5:7, 7-16.
Freire, P.,
& Macedo, D. (1987). Literacy: Reading the word and the world. South
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Luke, A.
(2000). Critical Literacy in Australia: A Matter of Context and Standpoint. Journal of
Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 43:5, 448-461.
May, L.
(2015). Preservice Teacher Bricolage:
Incorporating Critical Literacy, Negotiating
Visions. Critical Literacy: Theories and
Practices, 9:2, 3-16.
Menter, I.,
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to Practitioner
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OECD. (2002).
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from PISA
2000. New York: Organization for Economic
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Sandretto, S.
& Klenner, S. (2011). Planting Seeds: Embedding critical literacy
into your
programme. NZCER Press.
Vasquez, V.
(2010). Getting Beyond "I Like the Book": Creating Space for
Critical Literacy in K-
6 Classrooms,
2nd ed. International Reading Association,